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Gordon Fenske | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
I started taking photos in the early 1980's over the years I was the president of two local photography clubs also the Vancouver Island Rep. for the Canadian Association Photographic Art. I’m based out of Victoria BC Canada. I shoot 35mm slides and black and white and recently I have bought a Nikon D300s my first digital camera. My passion is wildlife and nature photography. I have photographed in the Canadian Rockies, Alaska, Vancouver Island, Olympic National Park Europe; I also spent 9 months traveling around the South Pacific. I try to capture the beauty of nature for I can bring it back to show people who can't get out and enjoy the beauty them self. I hope you enjoy my photos as much as I do. Please leave a comment in the guest book I am always looking for feedback on my photography to see of the images click on the gallery picture, and then click on slide show in the upper r corner.

Gordon Fenske
Leave only footprints and take only pictures
2016 Gallery
:: 2016 Gallery ::
May Long weekend in the Olympic National Park.
:: May Long weekend in the Olympic National Park. ::
Eagles and landscapes Squamish BC
:: Eagles and landscapes Squamish BC ::
Cape Scott Provincial Park 2013
:: Cape Scott Provincial Park 2013 ::
2013 images
:: 2013 images ::
:: pacific_rim_national_park_nov_2012 ::
Latest pictures
:: Latest pictures ::
Mt. Rainier
:: Mt. Rainier ::
Strathcona prov. park
:: Strathcona prov. park ::
Carmanah Provinical Park Vancouver Island New
:: Carmanah Provinical Park Vancouver Island "New" ::
Demolition of the Memorial Arena
:: Demolition of the Memorial Arena ::
Winter in the Canadian Rockies 2007
:: Winter in the Canadian Rockies 2007 ::
Landscapes 25 images
:: Landscapes 25 images ::
Club Tread trip to the Olympic National park
:: Club Tread trip to the Olympic National park ::
Wildlife 57 images
:: Wildlife 57 images ::
 Europe 35 images
::  Europe 35 images ::
New Zealand New Images
:: New Zealand New Images ::
Misc. Photos 17 images
:: Misc. Photos 17 images ::
:: Birds ::
Wild Flowers 44 images
:: Wild Flowers 44 images ::
Images from Pacific Rim National Park
:: Images from Pacific Rim National Park ::
Award Winning Images
:: Award Winning Images ::
:: Fiji ::
Victoria Chinese New Year  Year of the Pig
:: Victoria Chinese New Year "Year of the Pig" ::
:: Abrstacts ::