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Shu | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> iPhone images by Shu tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

iPhone images by Shu

I have recently began my journey of using the iPhone to capture images because with an iPhone, you always have your camera ready- I have seen an exhibit of iPhone images and was extremely impressed. Please share your thoughts since your opinions are welcome and thank you! Shu
As old as the hills
As old as the hills
Mood posy
Mood posy
Basket at bube's
Basket at bube's
Going for the Crown
Going for the Crown
Mill Pond Clouds
Mill Pond Clouds
Destined for the dump
Destined for the dump
Down at Brandywine River
Down at Brandywine River
Baby Girl
Baby Girl
Misquamicut r.i.
Misquamicut r.i.
Fake flower, great lighting and an app
Fake flower, great lighting and an app
Shot thru a liquor bottle
Shot thru a liquor bottle
On a summer afternoon
On a summer afternoon
Shu at the museum
Shu at the museum
The Look of 8O
The Look of 8O
Sketch app and a couple of others
Sketch app and a couple of others
Pink on Display
Pink on Display
Purple Bloom on Wood
Purple Bloom on Wood
Against the Shed
Against the Shed
Watch Hill, R.I.
Watch Hill, R.I.
Two face (s)
Two face (s)
Cellphone Caper
Cellphone Caper
My Dear Brother
My Dear Brother
Copper Cousins
Copper Cousins
Bedazzled  and Bedecked
Bedazzled and Bedecked