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Shlomi | profile | all galleries >> Shoe Box >> 1940 - 1949 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

1940 - 1949

1941 - Malka at school
1941 - Malka at school
1944 - Norbert Bernthal
1944 - Norbert Bernthal
1944 - Norbert Bernthal
1944 - Norbert Bernthal
1945 - Jacky Bichler, Norebrt Bernthal and Bubi Fuchs
1945 - Jacky Bichler, Norebrt Bernthal and Bubi Fuchs
1945 - Norbert Bernthal and friend
1945 - Norbert Bernthal and friend
1947 - Berl & Fanzia Spasser, Moshe Strum, Klara Spasser, Sarah Wald & Rela Strum
1947 - Berl & Fanzia Spasser, Moshe Strum, Klara Spasser, Sarah Wald & Rela Strum
1947 - Motorbike
1947 - Motorbike
1949 - Malka Bernthal
1949 - Malka Bernthal
1949 - Norbert Bernthal at the hospital
1949 - Norbert Bernthal at the hospital
1949 - Norbert Bernthal in a play
1949 - Norbert Bernthal in a play
1949 - Norbert Bernthal in a play
1949 - Norbert Bernthal in a play