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Vinalhaven and Penobscot Bay

These few moments in time were recorded in the summer of '05 amongst the islands of Penobscot Bay Maine. This is truly a special place, the moments in time I've spent here are some of the best I've spent anywhere. I hope I've gotten the names correct, as I was processing I was trying to remember the trips I've made to these islands and the views along the way. I have lots of other moments to post as I process them, so this gallery is not finished yet.
Ready for a morning sail
Ready for a morning sail
From Clark Island
From Clark Island
The morning fog burns off
The morning fog burns off
Receeding fog
Receeding fog
Summers sheen on the rocks
Summers sheen on the rocks
Vinalhaven and Dyer Island
Vinalhaven and Dyer Island
Vinalhaven and Dyer Island
Vinalhaven and Dyer Island
Lawrys and Crane Island area
Lawrys and Crane Island area
Lawrys and Crane Island area
Lawrys and Crane Island area
Lane Island
Lane Island
Entering the bay at Vinalhaven
Entering the bay at Vinalhaven
Vinalhaven working harbor
Vinalhaven working harbor
Yacht and lobster boats in Vinalhaven harbor
Yacht and lobster boats in Vinalhaven harbor
Indian Creek
Indian Creek
Indian Creek
Indian Creek
Carvers Bond
Carvers Bond
Working lobster shack on Vinalhaven
Working lobster shack on Vinalhaven
Clouds Building over Rockland
Clouds Building over Rockland