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Maine Coastal Views

These photos are pretty much as they came from the camera with exception of cropping. Many of these have been here since I joined Pbase, but they represent some of my first work with a DSLR. Prints of these are for sale, if your are interested please contact me through my regular e-mail which can be found on my profile page.
The fog rolls in.
The fog rolls in.
Floating fog.
Floating fog.
The sunny side of the bay.
The sunny side of the bay.
The lone traveler.
The lone traveler.
The last light of day.
The last light of day.
Morning's sheen
Morning's sheen
Day fog.
Day fog.
Mid-day rest.
Mid-day rest.
The quite cove.
The quite cove.
An afternoon interlude.
An afternoon interlude.
A peaceful bay.
A peaceful bay.
The working port.
The working port.
The fog returns.
The fog returns.
Tide patterns.
Tide patterns.
Tide offerings.
Tide offerings.
The sea watcher.
The sea watcher.
First light.
First light.
Silent light.
Silent light.
The morning watch
The morning watch
Punching through the fog
Punching through the fog
Tide pool
Tide pool
Rockport Harbor
Rockport Harbor
Tide out, fog in
Tide out, fog in
Tide droppings
Tide droppings
Mud flats fog
Mud flats fog
The sentinels walk.
The sentinels walk.
Marshall Point Light
Marshall Point Light
Marshall light Ramp
Marshall light Ramp
Lazy Day
Lazy Day
Building storm
Building storm
Self portrait at the tide line
Self portrait at the tide line
Sentry Reveled
Sentry Reveled
The unloading
The unloading
Fog tip-toeing between the islands
Fog tip-toeing between the islands
Shore clouds
Shore clouds
Shore clouds building
Shore clouds building
Mid-day clam
Mid-day clam
Morning calm
Morning calm
It rears it's ugly head.
It rears it's ugly head.
Mud flats morning
Mud flats morning
Lobstermen at work
Lobstermen at work
Setting off for work
Setting off for work
At days end
At days end
Selling off the days catch
Selling off the days catch
Road maps on the beach
Road maps on the beach