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Alan Wilkinson | all galleries >> Galleries >> hong_kong_1990 > Hong Kong-HMS TAMAR
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HP HP psc1300

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Keith Clark 08-Dec-2014 04:34
I am looking for information on surgeon lieutenant commander Linton who committed sluiced in hms Tiamat in the late 1969's and his deputy surgeon lieutenant James high who went on to assist at the uk first hear transplant. I hope some can asist
Hamish McIntosh 03-Nov-2014 12:22
was there in 91 old mr Ling was one of the nicest people i have met, I heard originally on handover they were going to drop POW building into the basin.
CharlieFarnes 22-Apr-2011 11:20
The building was still there yesterday (21st April 2011). You can see Amethyst block MSO<Commodaore and offices) and Blake Block (JR and SR accommodattion and messes) is just out of site but on the water side of the complex. These building were part of Tamar in 70 to 72 when I was a Yeoman seconded to teach sailing at St Stephens Bay Stanley - it was tough but someone had to do it
Guest 04-Aug-2010 21:11
TIGER BALM GARDENS was the place with all the coloured plaster figures of Chinese mythology. It was near Causway Bay and was buil by mikkionaire Aw Boon Haw - a similar tourist attraction is in Singapore

PWD. Aug 4th 2010
David 30-Jun-2010 13:12
I am trying to remember a place where a whole cliff side was carved into figures which you could walk around on hong kong side they had been painted and the whole place took about an hour to walk around
Guest 05-Apr-2010 20:04
Well all I can say it was the best draught I ever had Party City
Regards to all
JT Thomas 1980/81 RM
norman 01-Aug-2008 18:06
Do you have photographs of Jubilee Buildings Sham shui po I lived there in the early 1950's?
Keioth CLARK 08-Oct-2007 03:26
From Keith CLARK
I served in HMS Tamar from 1956-59 in Sick Quarters as LSBA and then SBPO.
My posting to Tamar was the best of my entire career and I made many friends there.
From 1957 we were in Married Quarters at Jubilee Buildings, Sham Shui Po.
I would like to make contact with anyone from those good old days.
John Taylor 18-May-2007 12:54
I had a great time whilst living here, Hi to Debs and anyone else who knows me, John Taylor,
Craig Hodges 29-Apr-2007 20:36
Great picture, many fond memories. Before I left in late 1990, I did hear taht teh building would be knocked down, does anyone know if that did happen?
debs 13-Jan-2007 05:06
this brings back some good memories of when i was here in 1988/89 for 18 months.