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November (2009) Challenge - Pink Floyd Song Titles

November’s Monthly Challenge is a scavenger hunt, or maybe a treasure hunt, depending on your PoV, based on song titles by the group Pink Floyd.
The aim is to let the song titles inspire a photo, one for each day in November.
Day 1.  Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Day 1. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Day 2 . Atom Heart Mother
Day 2 . Atom Heart Mother
Day  3.  Embryo
Day 3. Embryo
Day  4. Paranoid Eyes
Day 4. Paranoid Eyes
Day 5. Any colour you like
Day 5. Any colour you like
Day 6. Interstellar Overdrive
Day 6. Interstellar Overdrive
Day 7. The Dogs of War
Day 7. The Dogs of War
Day 8. Outside the Wall
Day 8. Outside the Wall
Day 9. The Grand Vizier's Garden Party
Day 9. The Grand Vizier's Garden Party
Day 10. Obscured by Clouds
Day 10. Obscured by Clouds
Day 11. A  New Machine.
Day 11. A New Machine.
Day 12. Fat Old Sun
Day 12. Fat Old Sun
Day 13. Shine on You Crazy Diamond.
Day 13. Shine on You Crazy Diamond.
Day 14. A Pillow of Winds
Day 14. A Pillow of Winds
Day 15.  Astronomy Domine
Day 15. Astronomy Domine
Day 16. Point me at the Sky
Day 16. Point me at the Sky
Day 17. Come in number 51, your time is up!
Day 17. Come in number 51, your time is up!
Day 18. I'm a King Bee
Day 18. I'm a King Bee
Day 19. Goodbye Cruel World
Day 19. Goodbye Cruel World
Day 20. Childhood's End
Day 20. Childhood's End
Day 21. Is There Anybody Out There?
Day 21. Is There Anybody Out There?
Day 22. Marooned
Day 22. Marooned
Day 23. Careful with that axe, Eugene.
Day 23. Careful with that axe, Eugene.
Day 24. Wot's. . . . Uh the Deal ?
Day 24. Wot's. . . . Uh the Deal ?
Day 25. A Saucerful of Secrets
Day 25. A Saucerful of Secrets
Day 26. Poles Apart
Day 26. Poles Apart
Day 27. Cirrus Minor
Day 27. Cirrus Minor
Day 28. Two Suns in the Sunset.
Day 28. Two Suns in the Sunset.
Day 29. Crumbling Land
Day 29. Crumbling Land
Day 30. The Gnome
Day 30. The Gnome