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in the beautiful grounds of the local TAFE
(Technical and Further Education)

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Mattias Backström22-Aug-2007 22:26
Wow, that line's leading us straight into the photo in such a nice way. Great!
Dan Ng14-Aug-2007 06:27
Fabulous perspective and depth with the wide angle. V.
Chris13-Aug-2007 09:59
So tranquil. Chris
Guest 12-Aug-2007 21:55
Fine composition, Sheila. ~V~
Pixel Shooter12-Aug-2007 17:46
Nice composition and beautiful light Sheila V
Karen Stuebing12-Aug-2007 11:38
Excellent POV of this tranquil setting. I can imagine sitting on the lawn with a book.
Carole Stevens12-Aug-2007 11:15
A beautiful place to study, those reflections are gorgeous!
Guest 12-Aug-2007 09:32
wow very nice view and well captured ~V~
Guest 12-Aug-2007 07:33
Nice reflections & lead in, autumnal looking capture..
JW12-Aug-2007 05:25
What a pleasant, tranquil spot. Love the reflection
Yvonne12-Aug-2007 00:10
Fabulous wide-angled shot Sheila, that water is superb & love the pov of those stones - vote
Johnny JAG11-Aug-2007 19:02
Nice light and composition.
Guest 11-Aug-2007 18:41
beautiful light, place to be.
Al Chesworth11-Aug-2007 17:53
A beauty, it's all come together, the light, reflections and the glow at the top of the tree's
Tom Munson11-Aug-2007 15:47
Beautiful image and campus. V
Dave Wixx11-Aug-2007 15:40
Lovely catch of the last light on the trees.
Zak11-Aug-2007 15:29
nice looking place!
Jackdad11-Aug-2007 14:56
wow, what a pretty setting.
Jola Dziubinska11-Aug-2007 13:46
Very pretty place and capture.
Guest 11-Aug-2007 12:28
Great composition, lovely landscape..
Guest 11-Aug-2007 11:29
This is so different from the landscapes you usually publish - I'd never have guessed it was the same area!
Susan Leigh11-Aug-2007 11:26
A lovely image, nicely composed..looks very serene, a nice spot to sit and think about nothing ;-)