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Sheila Smart | all galleries >> Photographic images with rights managed pricing >> Beach > Man at Dee Why beach , Sydney - model released.
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17-DEC-2004 ©Sheila Smart

Man at Dee Why beach , Sydney - model released.

Dee Why Beach, Sydney

Please email me for pricing.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Marjan Schavemaker01-May-2006 12:01
Excellent, Sheila!
Sheila Smart29-Jan-2006 22:06
Hi Chris. It was simply because I had not changed my ISO from shooting low light the evening before. The 20D copes a lot better with high ISO settings than my D60 - but the D60 had the feature of seeing your ISO through the viewfinder which the 20D does not! Hence why this was shot at 800!
Guest 29-Jan-2006 14:46
Although the pic looks great and I really like it, why iso800 with shutter of 1/2500? why not iso 200 with 1/600? If there was something specific that you wanted to do with that combination, I would like to learn and maybe try it myself.