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Sheena Woodhead | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> New York 2003 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

New York 2003

A trip to New York, in the main to see some hockey, New York Rangers and New Jersey Devils.
It was fun travelling on the 'hockey bus' from the bus station with all the New Jersey Fans.
We, of course, did as much sightseeing as possible but it was FREEZING!
I didn't take as many photographs as I thought I would - a bit difficult when you've got gloves on all the time.
Rockafella Center
Rockafella Center
St Patrick's Cathedral
St Patrick's Cathedral
Ground Zero
Ground Zero
Sphere from WTC
Sphere from WTC
Central Park
Central Park
Chrysler Building
Chrysler Building
Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty
Rockefeller Center
Rockefeller Center
Ground Zero
Ground Zero
42nd Street.
42nd Street.
Immigration Center
Immigration Center