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Sheena Woodhead | all galleries >> Galleries >> Rother Valley Country Park > The House and the Mill
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The House and the Mill

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Reflections by Ruth09-Jan-2009 01:29
I love this Sheena, mills are one of my favorite subject along with reflections :)
Bucks County was settled by the English so many of the towns have similar names.
I live off of Durham Rd which is in Buckingham Township. A lot more towns I cant think of at the moment :))
Steve Highfield16-Jan-2007 21:17
Sheena, excellent details, colour and composed just right to include the weeping willow tree. Reminds me of a similar place in Lymm Cheshire. +V for quality.
Bill Ewart Jr31-May-2006 02:26
This is really good~
Guest 30-May-2006 18:43
Beautiful shot
Zak30-May-2006 17:41
nice reflections!