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Bubble Wrap
Bubble Wrap
16 May
16 May
Tewkesbury Abbey
Tewkesbury Abbey
8 November
8 November
The Winter Garden
The Winter Garden
No letter box!
No letter box!
Bench Detail - Again!
Bench Detail - Again!
Low Lighthouse, Burnham-on-Sea
Low Lighthouse, Burnham-on-Sea
Gateshead Millennium Bridge
Gateshead Millennium Bridge
Mmm...Cool Strawberry Lemonade
Mmm...Cool Strawberry Lemonade
Icy Cold Lake
Icy Cold Lake
The Scallop
The Scallop
I closed the Gates!
I closed the Gates!
Albert Dock, Liverpool
Albert Dock, Liverpool
A High Tide in Short Wellies
A High Tide in Short Wellies
Buckfast Abbey
Buckfast Abbey
The Hoodoos of Bryce Canyon
The Hoodoos of Bryce Canyon
Table and Chairs
Table and Chairs
Chatsworth Park
Chatsworth Park
Another Place...
Another Place...
Bedgreave Mill and Mill House
Bedgreave Mill and Mill House
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
Windmills of Rhodes Town
Windmills of Rhodes Town
22 April: Roses
22 April: Roses