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LeSon Photography | all galleries >> Visit ... Europe Pilgrimage 2007 >> Lourdes, France >> Visit ...The Incorrupt St Bernadette Soubirous > St Bernadette's Invitation at Nevers
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St Bernadette's Invitation at Nevers

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Smilealotmore 04-Jan-2021 18:31
Pray for us all and keep us safe
Patrick Feenan 10-Feb-2020 03:35
My message is of the above..
Patrick Feenan 10-Feb-2020 03:34
I suffered from cancer on three occasions in the 1990's and 2007. I cane upon the story of Bernadette just this week although I knew about her as my mother, father and Aunt and uncles loved her. My intention is to visit Bernadette's resting place possible when the summer comes as the story of St Bernadette has affected me deeply. God bless as I know that Bernadette remains in Heaven with Our Lady, thank you I live in Belfast Ireland.....PF.
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