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June 23, 2006


Thanks again for all your comments and votes on my challenge pic yesterday!

Nikon D50
1/125s f/10.0 at 18.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 01-Jul-2006 08:06
Magnificent image
Guest 01-Jul-2006 00:53
Fantastic shot!
Greg Harp26-Jun-2006 00:07
Fantastic composition.
Guest 25-Jun-2006 16:10
This is very very very good. Love the perspective, the colours, the graphic quality. V
Guest 25-Jun-2006 05:41
Kent, wonderful shot!!! Great constrasting colors, texture and pattern. I love your special perspective and composed like this. Wee done!!
Antonis Sarantos24-Jun-2006 17:32
Excellent texture, colour and perspective! Great image.
Rob Rosetti24-Jun-2006 14:01
A simple idea for an outstandig shot! Marvelous perspective! V Roberto
Guenter Eh24-Jun-2006 09:05
Exciting perspective - a fantastic abstract here! Fantastic comp Kent!
Chris24-Jun-2006 08:56
Mighty red. Great VP work.
Graham Tomlin24-Jun-2006 07:25
very good colour and detail regards Helen
René Gysi24-Jun-2006 05:49
Nice picture with very good perspective.
laine8224-Jun-2006 04:21
Love the perspective Kent and the colours are so warm & vibrant.
Char24-Jun-2006 03:55
A wonderful shot Kent. Love the point of view. GMV
Mindy McNaugher24-Jun-2006 03:21
Wow! Love your perspective! Dramatic shot! Vote!