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August 25, 2005

Anastasia Myskina practicing for the U.S. Open
More shots to come.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ5
1/1000s f/3.3 at 35.4mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 11-Apr-2007 17:55
Excelent shot
Ray :)29-Aug-2005 22:22
Great action shot with so much clarity in fabulous light.
J. Scott Coile28-Aug-2005 23:29
Nice intensity. Well captured moment. You can see her focus. Well done!
steve mcsweeny27-Aug-2005 09:08
You nailed this one;) super shot!Vote.
shatterbug27-Aug-2005 01:57
I think this one was a lob.
Stu26-Aug-2005 21:35
Nice action shot... is she catching it or hitting it!
Guest 26-Aug-2005 18:56
I hope to see more pics from the US Open!
shatterbug26-Aug-2005 08:09
Thanks Gary. She's fun to watch, especially the repartee between she and her coach. She was moving pretty well but wasn't pushing really hard.
Guest 26-Aug-2005 07:18
looks like she's got a new ankle brace for her ankle that she rolled over at the rogers cup last week in toronto. great shot!