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Robyn Lakeman | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Snow in the Dandenongs 2007 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Snow in the Dandenongs 2007

These photos were taken on 18th July in The Dandenongs at Ferny Creek, Sassafras and Olinda. We have snow very occasionally, this was good as it lasted all day :)
Miss Marples
Miss Marples
Sprinkling of snow
Sprinkling of snow
Park at Sassafras
Park at Sassafras
These guys built a snowman
These guys built a snowman
Oil slick in the snow
Oil slick in the snow
Tree fern scape
Tree fern scape
The guys and their snowman
The guys and their snowman
Rostrevor in the snow
Rostrevor in the snow
Child's delight
Child's delight
One tree hill paddocks
One tree hill paddocks
One tree hill paddocks snow scene
One tree hill paddocks snow scene
Afternoon glow
Afternoon glow
Like this mummy?
Like this mummy?
Olinda golf course
Olinda golf course
Cute snowman
Cute snowman
Lonely snowman
Lonely snowman
Snowball fun
Snowball fun
Olinda golf course 2
Olinda golf course 2
Pink girl
Pink girl
Olinda golf course  3
Olinda golf course 3
Father and son
Father and son
Snow fun
Snow fun
Afternoon light on golf course
Afternoon light on golf course
Olinda golf course late afternoon
Olinda golf course late afternoon
Building snowman
Building snowman
Olinda golf course 4
Olinda golf course 4
Olinda golf course 5
Olinda golf course 5
Snow sled
Snow sled
Look at those clouds!
Look at those clouds!
I'm here for you
I'm here for you
Olinda golf course 6
Olinda golf course 6
Olinda golf course 7
Olinda golf course 7
Snow sledding
Snow sledding
Lonely snowman again
Lonely snowman again
Olinda golf course 8
Olinda golf course 8
Olinda golf course 9
Olinda golf course 9
One tree hill paddocks 2
One tree hill paddocks 2