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ThomasH | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sausalito - Farallons 2.Sep.2000 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sausalito - Farallons 2.Sep.2000

For the trip to Farallon Islands I recommend to take a yacht from Sausalito or any other marina close to the Golden Gate. The distance to Farallones in both direction will require motor-sailing, thus I would also suggest to undertake the trip on a calm sea.

While sailing around the Great Farallon we encountered a few feeding whales. Fascinating!

1-01F Sausalito
1-01F Sausalito
1-02F Swimming Home
1-02F Swimming Home
1-03F Channel Toward San Francisco
1-03F Channel Toward San Francisco
1-04F Sausalito
1-04F Sausalito
1-05F Sausalito
1-05F Sausalito
1-13F Sausalito
1-13F Sausalito
1-14F Sausalito
1-14F Sausalito
1-15F Beach in Sausalito
1-15F Beach in Sausalito
1-24F Sausalito
1-24F Sausalito
1-25F Sausalito
1-25F Sausalito
1-026F Sausalito
1-026F Sausalito
1-27F A Tugboat
1-27F A Tugboat
1-28F Sausalito Yacht CLub
1-28F Sausalito Yacht CLub
1-30F Sausalito
1-30F Sausalito
1-31F Sausalito
1-31F Sausalito
1-32F Sausalito
1-32F Sausalito
1-33F Golden Gate Pylon
1-33F Golden Gate Pylon
1-35F Golden Gate
1-35F Golden Gate
1-34F San Francisco
1-34F San Francisco
1-37F Brief Encounter
1-37F Brief Encounter
2-01-Point Bonita
2-01-Point Bonita
2-04-Point Bonita
2-04-Point Bonita
2-02-Seal Rock
2-02-Seal Rock
2-08-Low Stratus and Mt. Tamalpais
2-08-Low Stratus and Mt. Tamalpais
2-11 The 1st Marker
2-11 The 1st Marker
2-12 Outside the Gate
2-12 Outside the Gate
2-15 Farallon on Horizon
2-15 Farallon on Horizon
2-18 Channel Marker
2-18 Channel Marker
2-19 Channel Marker
2-19 Channel Marker
2-21 Channel Marker
2-21 Channel Marker
2-22-Death in the Ocean
2-22-Death in the Ocean
2-24 San Francisco still visible
2-24 San Francisco still visible
2-27 The Crew
2-27 The Crew
2-29 The main Farallon Island appears
2-29 The main Farallon Island appears
2-30 North Farallons in the distance
2-30 North Farallons in the distance
2-31 Our Skipper
2-31 Our Skipper
2-33 Farallon Island
2-33 Farallon Island
2-36 Farallon Island
2-36 Farallon Island
3-03 Farallon Island
3-03 Farallon Island
3-04 At least somethnig green on the rocks!
3-04 At least somethnig green on the rocks!
3-05 Farallon Island
3-05 Farallon Island
3-08 Bizarre Rock Formations
3-08 Bizarre Rock Formations
3-11 Cables connecting Islands
3-11 Cables connecting Islands
3-13 Marine Life
3-13 Marine Life
3-15 Farallon Island
3-15 Farallon Island
3-17 Farallon Island
3-17 Farallon Island
3-18 Farallon Island
3-18 Farallon Island
3-20 Research Station appears
3-20 Research Station appears
3-21 Farallon Island
3-21 Farallon Island
3-22 North Farallons
3-22 North Farallons
3-23 North Farallons
3-23 North Farallons
3-24 Seals and Waves
3-24 Seals and Waves
3-25 Farallon
3-25 Farallon
3-27 Seals
3-27 Seals
3-28 One of the many Caves
3-28 One of the many Caves
3-30 Waves Carve Caves
3-30 Waves Carve Caves
3-31 One of the smaller Islands
3-31 One of the smaller Islands
3-32 Research Station
3-32 Research Station
3-33 Waves Carving Rocks
3-33 Waves Carving Rocks
3-34 Birds, Birds, Birds
3-34 Birds, Birds, Birds
3-35 Farallon
3-35 Farallon
3-36 Farallon
3-36 Farallon
4-02 Research Station
4-02 Research Station
4-03 Farallon
4-03 Farallon
4-04 Farallon
4-04 Farallon
4-05 Farallon
4-05 Farallon
4-06 Cormorants
4-06 Cormorants
4-08 Research Station
4-08 Research Station
4-09 Farallon
4-09 Farallon
4-10 Cranes on the docking side
4-10 Cranes on the docking side
4-11 Research Station
4-11 Research Station
4-12 Research Station
4-12 Research Station
4-14 Some of the numerous caves
4-14 Some of the numerous caves
4-18-Spotting a Whale
4-18-Spotting a Whale
4-26-Spotting a Whale
4-26-Spotting a Whale
4-30-Spotting a Whale
4-30-Spotting a Whale
4-31-Spotting a Whale
4-31-Spotting a Whale
4-33-Spotting a Whale
4-33-Spotting a Whale
4-35-Spotting a Whale
4-35-Spotting a Whale
4-37-Another Whale on the Right
4-37-Another Whale on the Right
5-02-San Francisco seen from Farallon
5-02-San Francisco seen from Farallon