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James Van Dyke | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Invertebrates tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Here are photos of invertebrates found in the field. Strange arthropods like whip scorpions and sun spiders especially fascinate me. If some of these critters grew to dog size we'd all be lunch. Fortunately, however, terrestrial arthropod body size is limited because the weight of their exoskeletons increases proportionally with their body surface area. If they grew too big, they wouldn't be able to carry their skeletons. Lobsters and king crabs get away with their large sizes because bouyancy helps support their weight.
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Bark scorpion eating cricket
Bark scorpion eating cricket
Scolopendra eating insect
Scolopendra eating insect
Big Bend Millipede
Big Bend Millipede
Beetle eating dead scorpion
Beetle eating dead scorpion
Wolf Spider
Wolf Spider
Dragonfly consuming insect
Dragonfly consuming insect
hunting spider
hunting spider
Walking Stick
Walking Stick
Tarantula, Carroll county, Arkansas
Tarantula, Carroll county, Arkansas
Tarantula closeup
Tarantula closeup
Costa Rican Swallowtail
Costa Rican Swallowtail
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