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Liberté, égalité, fraternité.jpg
Liberté, égalité, fraternité.jpg
Walking the dog, Cromer.jpg
Walking the dog, Cromer.jpg
Drying off, Cromer.jpg
Drying off, Cromer.jpg
Lock No.14.jpg
Lock No.14.jpg
St Mary's Bridge, Derby.jpg
St Mary's Bridge, Derby.jpg
Burnham Overy Staithe Windmill, July 2009.jpg
Burnham Overy Staithe Windmill, July 2009.jpg
Chairoplane - Grounded.jpg
Chairoplane - Grounded.jpg
Morris 6cwt pickup, Ripley, June 2015.jpg
Morris 6cwt pickup, Ripley, June 2015.jpg
'Moggie' at Sainsbury's, June 2015.jpg
'Moggie' at Sainsbury's, June 2015.jpg
Crosses, Glasgow, April 2019.jpg
Crosses, Glasgow, April 2019.jpg
Red Mist, Glasgow, April 2019.jpg
Red Mist, Glasgow, April 2019.jpg
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