Yellow Tailed Snapper From Above |
Yellow Tailed Snapper |
Watching Fish on the Safety Stop.jpg |
Schoolmaster Fish Up Close |
Schoolmaster Fish at the Gully |
Schoolmaster Fish Grunts |
School of Yellow Tail Jacks |
School of Jack Under the Boat 3 |
School of Jack Under the Boat 2 |
School of Jack Under the Boat |
School of Jack From Side 2 |
School of Jack From Side |
School of Jack At the Gully |
Ray Covered With Sand |
Rays Head From Above |
Ray Covered With Sand |
Ray Buried in Sand Headshot 3 |
Ray Buried in Sand Headshot 2 |
Ray Buried in Sand Headshot |
Pocupine Fish Swimming Away |
Pocupine Fish Feeding |
Parrotfish Blue Chromis |
Pair of Fish |
Pair of Angelfish |
Mostly Jacks |
Headshot of Coral Grouper |
Hard Coral on a Sponge |
Group of Schoolmaster Fish 3 |
Group of Schoolmaster Fish 2 |
Group of Schoolmaster Fish |
French Grunts From Behind |
Freindly Grouper Rolling Over |
Freindly Grouper Approaching Diver |
Four Schoolmaster Fish |
Divers on Safety Stop Yellow Tailed Jacks |
Diver Under Boat on Safety Stop |
Diver Returning to the Boat 2 |
Diver Returning to the Boat |
Diver at the Gully 2 |
Diver at the Gully |
Dive Instructor Underwater |
Creole Wrasse Feeding |
Coral Grouper With Fish in Mouth |
Coral Grouper Posing |
Diver at the Gully 2 |
Diver at the Gully |
Dive Instructor Underwater |
Coral Grouper From Front |
Coral Grouper With Fin Erect |
Coral Grouper Being Cleaned Three Quaters |
Cleaner Wrasse and Lumpy Barrel Sponge |
Black Angelfish |
Baracuda Just Above Bottom 3 |
Baracuda Just Above Bottom 2 |
Baracuda Just Above Bottom |
Hard Coral Soft Coral & Sponge |
Grunts and a Parrott Fish 3 |
Grunts and a Parrott Fish 4 |
Grunts and a Parrott Fish 2 |
Groupers Lips |
Grunts and a Parrott Fish |
Groupers Eye 2 |
Pale Grouper |
Grouper up Close 6 |
Freindly Grouper 6 |
Grouper up Close 5 |
Freindly Grouper 5 |
End of the Dive 2 |
Divers at Gully |
End of the Dive 1 |
Diver Checking His Air |
Diver and Grouper 3 |
Circling |
Butterfly Fish and Coral |
Watching a Shark 4 |
Watching a Shark 3 |
Swimming Shark 20 |
Underwater Eyes |
Swimming Stoplight Parrotfish |
Hiding Crab 2 |
Hiding Crab |
Diver and Grouper 2 |
Swimming Shark 19 |
Swimming Shark 18 |
Close Encounter With Shark 3 |
Shark Swimming By |
Swimming Shark 17 |
Swimming Shark 16 |
Swimming Shark 12 |
Swimming Shark 15 |
Swimming Shark 14 |
Swimming Shark 13 |
Swimming Shark 11 |
Swimming Shark 10 |
Swimming Shark 9 |
Swimming Shark 7 |
Swimming Shark 8 |
Grouper up Close 4 |
Swimming Shark 6 |
Grouper up Close 3 |
Grouper up Close 2 |
Freindly Grouper 4 |
Grouper up Close |
Grouper From Above |
Close Encounter With Shark 2 |
Freindly Grouper 3 |
Here Comes the Shark |
Grouper and Coral |
Grouper Following Diver |
Grouper Being Cleaned 7 |
Groupers Eye 1 |
Grouper Being Cleaned 6 |
Grouper Being Cleaned 5 |
Sponge at Gully |
Sponge and Cleaner Wrasse |
Swimming Shark 3 |
Watching a Shark 2 |
Close Encounter With Shark |
Swimming Shark 2 |
Grouper and Sponge |
Swimming Shark |
Freindly Grouper |
Freindly Grouper 2 |
Grouper Being Cleaned 8 |
Swimming Shark 4 |
Swimming Shark 5 |
Shark Ahoy |
Grouper Being Cleaned 1 |
Diver and Grouper |
Grouper Being Cleaned 2 |
Grouper Being Cleaned 3 |
School of Jacks |
Visiting the Grouper |
Grouper Being Cleaned 4 |
Saying Hello to a Grouper |
Diver Watching a Reef Shark |
Shark in Front of Diver - Bloody Shutter Lag |
Shark Swim-by - Gotta Love Photoshop |
Shark at Gully |