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Serena Bowles | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> South East Asia and India 2005-06 >> Laos >> Luang Prabang tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Vientiane | Vang Vien | Phonsavan | Luang Prabang | Muang Noi | Luang Nam Tha | Muang Sing | Vieng Phouka and Route 3 | Flora and Fauna in Laos

Luang Prabang

I'm planning on staying in the laid-back Laos town of Luang Prabang for a while, so I'm sure I'll have more photos to add soon.

Some of my photos are now available to buy in a variety of sizes and finishes, or as digital files, at Serenity Photography.

You can keep abreast of my travels by visiting my website.

Shining Bright
Shining Bright
Green and Gold
Green and Gold
Out Walking
Out Walking
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
In the Palace Grounds
In the Palace Grounds
Sunset Silhouette
Sunset Silhouette
Dragons Breath
Dragons Breath
Crossing the Mekong
Crossing the Mekong
French Influence
French Influence
Living by the River
Living by the River
Temple Roof
Temple Roof
The Far Bank
The Far Bank
The Royal Palace
The Royal Palace
Unusual Planter
Unusual Planter
Anyone Got Any Food
Anyone Got Any Food
Cooling Off
Cooling Off
Burning Bright
Burning Bright
This Old House
This Old House
Mist Rolling In
Mist Rolling In
Wat Xieng Thong
Wat Xieng Thong
Under the Eaves
Under the Eaves
Din Dins
Din Dins
Tat Kuang Si Waterfall
Tat Kuang Si Waterfall
Im so Cute
Im so Cute
Mirrored Collage
Mirrored Collage