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Serena Bowles | all galleries >> Miscellaneous >> My Photo-a-Day Gallery >> June's PaD > 3/6/05 And the Rain Came Down
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3/6/05 And the Rain Came Down

Taken today at a temple near to the Bayon. I got stuck in a tower for an hour in the rain. Once I sort through them, there will be a lot more photos of Angkor Wat to go on...I took a couple of thousand, so I should have a couple of good'uns.

FujiFilm FinePixViewer Ver.3.2

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H. P. Henriksen Starman05-Feb-2010 21:52
Rain is difficult - I think that this shot is a fine example when it succeed. v
little_sis12-Jun-2005 14:52
Wow, amazing shot
lebororo08-Jun-2005 14:08
AT least, it is warm :o)
Guest 05-Jun-2005 20:50
Awesome shot! Vote!
Cindy Flood03-Jun-2005 18:55
This is really awesome!
Guest 03-Jun-2005 18:28
So much beauty, I love it Serena
Go have your reward
Clyne03-Jun-2005 15:46
I went to Angkor Wat in the rainy season too - makes for much more atmospheric shots :)
It's really coming down!