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Serena Bowles | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> Indian Subcontinent 2010-2011 >> Nepal >> Annapurna Round >> Day Seven - Manang to Yak Kharka tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Day One - Bhulbhule to Jagat | Day Two - Jagat to Dharapani | Day Three - Dharapani to Chame | Day Four - Chame to Pisang | Day Five - Pisang to Manang | Day Six - Free Day Manang | Day Seven - Manang to Yak Kharka | Day Eight - Yak Kharka to Thorung Phedi | Day Nine -Thorung Phedi to Mukinath - Crossing Thorung La | Day Ten - Mukinath to Marpha | Day Eleven - Marpha to Ghasa | Day Twelve - Ghasa to Tatopani | Day Thirteen - Tatopani to Ghorepani | Day Fourteen, 9th October - Poon Hill Sunrise then Ghorepani to Hile | Day Fifteen - Hile to Nayapul

Day Seven - Manang to Yak Kharka

In autumn of 2010 I ventured out into the Nepali Himalayas, accompanied by my trusty porter-cum-guide Dhan, to attempt one of the classic treks in Nepal - the Annapurna Circuit AKA Annapurna Round. You can read how I got on in my blog.

Some of my photos are now available to buy in a variety of sizes and finishes, or as digital files, at Search through my entire library of stock images here.

See all my images from Nepal here.

Trekking Path Manang to Yak Kharka.jpg
Trekking Path Manang to Yak Kharka.jpg
Stupa and Clouds near Manang.jpg
Stupa and Clouds near Manang.jpg
River and Clouds near Manang.jpg
River and Clouds near Manang.jpg
Prayer Flags on Eroded Rock.jpg
Prayer Flags on Eroded Rock.jpg
Mountains and Clouds en route to Yak Kharka 02.jpg
Mountains and Clouds en route to Yak Kharka 02.jpg
Mountains and Clouds en route to Yak Kharka.jpg
Mountains and Clouds en route to Yak Kharka.jpg
Mountain through Clouds near Manang
Mountain through Clouds near Manang
Looking Back at Manang
Looking Back at Manang
Eroded Land en route to Yak Kharka
Eroded Land en route to Yak Kharka
Cloudy Morning near Manang
Cloudy Morning near Manang
Bridge en route to Yak Kharka
Bridge en route to Yak Kharka