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Coleen Perilloux Landry | all galleries >> Galleries >> Graine a voler or Seeds that Fly > Alligator on a Lily Pad
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5 July 2009 Coleen Perilloux Landry

Alligator on a Lily Pad


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virginiacoastline28-Jul-2009 15:32
either that's a reeeeeeally big lilypad or . . .
Karen Stuebing25-Jul-2009 10:49
Outstanding capture. He looks very reptilian. V.
Jackdad11-Jul-2009 17:33
a warning for the unwary!
Guest 10-Jul-2009 14:12
Wild America!...You can find them! Great job!
Neal Nye06-Jul-2009 11:33
He's kind of a cute little guy. I bet he has lots of nasty little sharp teeth though.
laine06-Jul-2009 09:14
Your braver than me...!!
Yvonne06-Jul-2009 07:19
I think he's watching you Coleen!!!
Mindy McNaugher06-Jul-2009 05:37
Fabulous capture!!!
Linda Willets06-Jul-2009 04:55
Guest 06-Jul-2009 02:33
I'm glad I didn't see these in the lilypads I was playing in yesterday! Really cool though..I know you are used to this, but I would be using a zoom lense! V
Dennis Hoyne06-Jul-2009 02:32
Neat photo of this good looking youngster.
sschex06-Jul-2009 02:07
Good shot of this lazy 'gator. Looks kinda familiar...
Frank Wilson06-Jul-2009 01:40
Photographer beware! But it is a nice catch!