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Salah El-Sadek | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Zanzibar .. The Colourful Spicy Island tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Zanzibar .. The Colourful Spicy Island

White sand beach view
White sand beach view
A Zanziarian sunrise
A Zanziarian sunrise
No wind at all
No wind at all
Blue Bay Hotel Garden
Blue Bay Hotel Garden
Sea colours and tranquility
Sea colours and tranquility
Colourful by the sea
Colourful by the sea
Life is full of contrasts
Life is full of contrasts
showing some breeze
showing some breeze
The only means of public transport
The only means of public transport
Blue Bay Hotel water games marina
Blue Bay Hotel water games marina
Zanzibar sea port
Zanzibar sea port
Massai guard on a beach patrol
Massai guard on a beach patrol
Sea shells catcher or fetsher!
Sea shells catcher or fetsher!
Beach Coconut trees view
Beach Coconut trees view
Going to school beach way
Going to school beach way
Red Colobus Monkey (Procolobus Kirkii)
Red Colobus Monkey (Procolobus Kirkii)
Fisherman early in the morrning
Fisherman early in the morrning
Fresh Nutmug
Fresh Nutmug
Shy to photos
Shy to photos
Empty beach with a Waves' defence wall
Empty beach with a Waves' defence wall
Massai guard on duty! What a sight to work at!
Massai guard on duty! What a sight to work at!
Stone Face drinking from the Ocean
Stone Face drinking from the Ocean
Ready for a traditional sea trip
Ready for a traditional sea trip
Zanzibar.. Island of colours
Zanzibar.. Island of colours
Fresh Carnation pins yet to be dried
Fresh Carnation pins yet to be dried
Market Seller
Market Seller
Stone Town Alley
Stone Town Alley
Family Fun
Family Fun
An early walk by the beach
An early walk by the beach
Walking on the white sands
Walking on the white sands
Stone Town Building
Stone Town Building
Zanzibar Island from above
Zanzibar Island from above
They used to protect, now they are just a set
They used to protect, now they are just a set
Red Colobus Monkey
Red Colobus Monkey
Matching reds in the Stone Town
Matching reds in the Stone Town
Breaking the heavenly colours
Breaking the heavenly colours
Early morning jogging
Early morning jogging
The main market - Stone Town
The main market - Stone Town
The famous  Zanzibary wooden doors
The famous Zanzibary wooden doors
Fruits Seller
Fruits Seller
A modern Masaii Guard
A modern Masaii Guard
Traditional Zanzibary Chest
Traditional Zanzibary Chest
Sunset scene in Zanzibar
Sunset scene in Zanzibar
The famous wooden doors of Zanzibar
The famous wooden doors of Zanzibar
Precious Cargo (Daughter)
Precious Cargo (Daughter)
Natural Beauty
Natural Beauty
Zanzibar Airport Strip
Zanzibar Airport Strip
Gathered from two different worlds
Gathered from two different worlds
A fine ancient wood art
A fine ancient wood art
Shooting myself !
Shooting myself !
Hotel  on the white sands beach
Hotel on the white sands beach
Low Tide Time
Low Tide Time
Hello There
Hello There
Honey Mooners
Honey Mooners
All kinds of boats and ships
All kinds of boats and ships
Traditional Zanzibary Dhow
Traditional Zanzibary Dhow