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Sharon E Evans | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Red Hill, VA on the NS main and restored PRR N5B cabin car tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Red Hill, VA on the NS main and restored PRR N5B cabin car

On 10/13/12, I received an invite to go up the the restored PRR N5B cabin car at Red Hill, VA on the NS main south of Charlottesville. VA. I had received a heads up that the Saturday Amtrak regional coming north from Lynchburg would have B32-8WH 514 as power so that was added impetus to go.
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Amtrak regional 156 passes by
Amtrak regional 156 passes by
Amtrak regional 156 heads to its stop in Charlottesville, VA
Amtrak regional 156 heads to its stop in Charlottesville, VA
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