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Chris Brooker | profile | all galleries >> Barcelona >> Gaudí House Museum and Parc Guell, Barcelona tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Gaudí House Museum and Parc Guell, Barcelona

The Entrance
The Entrance
Miquel Tarrida
Miquel Tarrida
Gaudí House Museum
Gaudí House Museum
Gaudí House Museum
Gaudí House Museum
Ceiling and Light Fitting
Ceiling and Light Fitting
Two-seater Bench from the Casa Batlló Dining Room
Two-seater Bench from the Casa Batlló Dining Room
 Gaudí Furniture from Casa Batlló
Gaudí Furniture from Casa Batlló
Antoni Gaudí, 1852-1926
Antoni Gaudí, 1852-1926
Eusebi Guell, 1846-1918
Eusebi Guell, 1846-1918
Centre Light Fitting
Centre Light Fitting
Gaudí's Cup, Saucer and Silver Spoon
Gaudí's Cup, Saucer and Silver Spoon
Gaudí's Bedroom Ceiling Decoration
Gaudí's Bedroom Ceiling Decoration
Gaudí Gates
Gaudí Gates
Gaudí House Museum
Gaudí House Museum
Gaudí House Museum
Gaudí House Museum
Through a Gap in the Trees
Through a Gap in the Trees
Seats in the Shade and Cold Drinks Please
Seats in the Shade and Cold Drinks Please
The Highlights
The Highlights
The Amazing Park Benches
The Amazing Park Benches
The Amazing Park Benches (detail)
The Amazing Park Benches (detail)
The Pinnacle of the Porter's Lodge
The Pinnacle of the Porter's Lodge
What Pretty Shorts!
What Pretty Shorts!
A Nice American Lady
A Nice American Lady
The Porter's Lodge
The Porter's Lodge
The Office Building
The Office Building
Please Don't Feed the Animals!
Please Don't Feed the Animals!
The Dragon Fountain (with a few people to show the scale?)
The Dragon Fountain (with a few people to show the scale?)
A Spectacular Wall
A Spectacular Wall
You can see the Daughter in the Mother's Eyes.
You can see the Daughter in the Mother's Eyes.
Mosaic and Plants
Mosaic and Plants
12h30 Walking Tour Keep-Up Keep-Up
12h30 Walking Tour Keep-Up Keep-Up
Mosaic Wall
Mosaic Wall
Snake Head Fountain
Snake Head Fountain
Looking up to the Terrace
Looking up to the Terrace
Face at the Window
Face at the Window