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Carol How | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Silence of Winter tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Silence of Winter

The softness of light, the blanket of muted sounds and colors are a delight to discover. On the west coast winter means mostly dreary rainy days with limited light, but multi faceted in texture if we only choose to seek it. This year I am ecstatic that old man winter has blessed us with the white mantle of snow and some soft sunshine - it is a passing glimpse; we must grasp both the rain and the snow as they are a vital ingredient of life.
Winter Sheen
Winter Sheen
Winter Scene
Winter Scene
Snow and Ice
Snow and Ice
Jack Frost  - Merry Christmas and Best of 2012 to everyone!
Jack Frost - Merry Christmas and Best of 2012 to everyone!
Winter's Sunset
Winter's Sunset
Winter Scape
Winter Scape
The Apple Orchard
The Apple Orchard
Beach Sunset
Beach Sunset
Snow Run
Snow Run
The Thaw Begins
The Thaw Begins
The Last Berries
The Last Berries
Winter Abstract
Winter Abstract
Golden Pond
Golden Pond
Digging Out
Digging Out
Campbell Valley Barns
Campbell Valley Barns
An Elegant Barrier.jpg
An Elegant Barrier.jpg
Silent Hydrant
Silent Hydrant
Crescent Beach Winter
Crescent Beach Winter
Winter Sunset
Winter Sunset
Snowy Wetlands
Snowy Wetlands
Winter Colors
Winter Colors
On the Pond
On the Pond
In Memory
In Memory
Waiting for Spring.jpg
Waiting for Spring.jpg
Christmas Greeting.jpg
Christmas Greeting.jpg
Pond Shapes
Pond Shapes
Winter Afternoon
Winter Afternoon
Snow Shadows
Snow Shadows
Freeze at the Dock
Freeze at the Dock
The Pines
The Pines