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Carol How | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architectural Scapes > Crossing
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31-AUG-2014 Carol How


Vancouver, BC

Cambie Bridge

1/200s f/8.0 at 100.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
peterjay4505-Sep-2014 21:23
So well visualized and shot, Carol. Wonderful composition, colour and contrast.
Marcia Rules04-Sep-2014 12:49
Kudos Carol! I love this! Your eye makes all the difference here! BV
Julie Oldfield03-Sep-2014 02:20
Love the powerful mood. Very dramatic. V
settler02-Sep-2014 17:24
Love the way you saw this..BV!
danad02-Sep-2014 13:58
Superb contrasted light and sky ! V.
Raymond Ma02-Sep-2014 05:09
Great impact with the striking contrast and the shapes and shadow.
The distant city scene has great tension as it rises out of the roof top. V
Neil Marcus02-Sep-2014 01:06
You have a good eye, Carol.
mikiruaq01-Sep-2014 19:45
beautiful!!! v
Walter Otto Koenig01-Sep-2014 18:55
Awesome image with this lighting and ominous shadow and threatening sky in the background. Great work Carol! "V"
aliusvetus01-Sep-2014 16:28
Very good, indeed! Brilliant perspective and framing.
globalgadabout01-Sep-2014 15:34
bold and powerful...lovely tones, and the inclusion of the distant cityscape and clouds is a huge plus...superior work Carol..V
Fong Lam01-Sep-2014 14:52
Fantastic composition with that remarkable shadow.....exceptional work! V
Jeff Real01-Sep-2014 13:33
Such a powerful mood...great creative work ~V~
janescottcumming01-Sep-2014 13:13
Wow, that is some impressive photograph! Awesome work. V
Jim Coffman01-Sep-2014 13:08
Masterfully captured,Carol!
Stephanie01-Sep-2014 12:27
The lighting here is outstanding Carol!!! The shadow play completes this great image! BV
Blandine Mangin01-Sep-2014 11:06
superb light ! v
Gerard Koehl01-Sep-2014 08:36
Superbe avec cette lumière et cet ombre. V
borisalex01-Sep-2014 08:13
Just superb! V.
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