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Carol How | all galleries >> Galleries >> Layers and Textures > Barred Owl
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Barred Owl

The Barred owl is a magnificently beautiful bird of prey. They are often extremely hard to spot in trees during the day as they camouflage themselves with the tree trunk quite well. This barred owl was taken at the orphaned wildlife centre. I've used a petrified piece of tree trunk photographed at the beach last year as the background.
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Chinesische Ingrid 02-Nov-2015 12:58
Dritter Dienstag im November:
Bedrohte Tiere in Sachsen
lou_rozensteins23-Feb-2011 02:56
Very nice work. It really demonstrates their camouflage!
Hans Koot21-Feb-2011 17:11
what a magnificent job you made, they blend in a beautiful way
Patricia Kay21-Feb-2011 12:31
Fabulous artwork this...BV
settler20-Feb-2011 20:47
Fine creative expression of this greeat bird!..V!
globalgadabout20-Feb-2011 15:18
sharp shot of this the blend with the fabulous driftwood...classy work...V
Giancarlo Guzzardi20-Feb-2011 10:47
fantastic image
Blandine Mangin20-Feb-2011 08:45
very beautiful ! v
Gerard Koehl20-Feb-2011 08:36
Superbe capture.. V
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