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Carol How | all galleries >> Galleries >> Flowers are Timeless > Lillies of Fire
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Lillies of Fire

Nikon D300
1/3s f/36.0 at 135.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 11-Jul-2009 07:10
Great composition and colours! Very optimistic :) V
Giancarlo Guzzardi13-Sep-2008 06:28
adore the deep and the color's contrast here
Bernard Bosmans11-Sep-2008 22:40
Wow, what an explosive situation you moved into Ann. You must have come away from it glowing all over. Magnificent work. V!!
Claude Martin06-Sep-2008 16:04
Superb softness... complexity of the flowers and straight simple shape of the green vegetation. V
deborahcuming06-Sep-2008 03:04
this is excellent! love the comp with the green really making the red jump out in full force...beautiful image! V
settler05-Sep-2008 18:52
A flower shot that impacts!!...V!!
Naret Visesvongsa05-Sep-2008 16:55
Beautiful design image, V
XiaoBernard9905-Sep-2008 16:40
Very well done and seenANN!
Gerhard Ritsema05-Sep-2008 11:20
Superb!! Great colors.
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