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Carol How | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> humanity tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


People make us laugh, cry and sometimes extremely frustrated or angry, but life is not much without us is it? A lot of these images are from event photography I have attended to photograph as a volunteer, and some are my attempts at street photography.
Dark Times
Dark Times
Boundary Bay Riders
Boundary Bay Riders
Blueberry Pie Eating Contest -and the winner takes it all
Blueberry Pie Eating Contest -and the winner takes it all
Korki & Friend
Korki & Friend
Jack Layton NDP Leader
Jack Layton NDP Leader
Practice #2
Practice #2
Its all in the way you Eat!
Its all in the way you Eat!
Bria Playing with the Big Band
Bria Playing with the Big Band
India Man
India Man
The Watcher, a Summer Day
The Watcher, a Summer Day
Beach Bum
Beach Bum
Get Set
Get Set
Story Teller #2
Story Teller #2
With Grace
With Grace
Patience is a Virtue.
Patience is a Virtue.
Cool Shadows
Cool Shadows
Dancers in Abstract
Dancers in Abstract
Dancers Dream
Dancers Dream
Bird Woman
Bird Woman
Personal Assistance
Personal Assistance
The Dancer
The Dancer
The Train Leaves
The Train Leaves
Only in America
Only in America