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National Geographic Books: Earth: The Biography

Sometimes you just catch a break!!

Imagine my surprise, my elation, my heart-pounding wondering if it was real, when six months ago I got, simultaneously, an email and a phone message from National Geographic Books in Washington, D.C.
regarding an image of mine ("Illumination") from Antelope Canyon.

Could they use it for a coffee table book---Earth: The Biography---to be released as the companion piece to a serial documentary of the same name, premiering on the National Geographic Channel in Spring, 2008?
Forty thousand worldwide distributed English language copies and maybe a foreign language run as well.

Hmmmmmm . . . .!!! Well let me think on that for . . . about two seconds!! Made the nervous call to a very nice book editor who told me they already had a fully mocked up version I could look at and could I get them
a full sized file ASAP. I guess NG is pretty used to photographers saying yes, what with the cover art already finished, just waiting for my photo permission.

Well, long story short, after a few anxious months during which there was a small chance it could fall through,
final upstairs approval came, later a check, and soon the book released. A working relationship with NG Books, opportunities already for another book cover and submission for the 2009 calendar, representation by the
NG Image Collection stock library, and first name basis with two important book editors at NG!!

Just writing this I still think to pinch myself. I'm a real believer in the old saying "the harder I work,
the luckier I get," but sometimes the universe just does something so unexpected, so wonderful, you just have to stop and give thanks.

Keep an eye out in the bookstores soon and later this spring watch for this extraordinary documentary on the physical forces that have shaped our earth's evolution.

Oh and I need to add here, THEY DISCOVERED ME ON PBASE!! I've told so many students and other intested parties how invaluable my PBASE galleries have been. Such reasonable annual fees have come back so many time to reward me. Many thanks Slug & Emily for making it possible for us all.
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Earth Bio cover copy.jpg