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Scott Shafer | profile | all galleries >> Airplanes >> Moffett Airshow 2004 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Moffett Airshow 2004

Photos from the 2004 Moffett Airshow. We live about 5 miles from Moffett field. So some photos were taken the week before as the pilots were practicing, across the freeway from Moffett field, or from in front of our house. The planes would turn around pretty close to our house. So some photos were taken right out our front door.
P-51 and F-15 heritage flight
P-51 and F-15 heritage flight
F-15 demonstrating it's thrust to weight ratio
F-15 demonstrating it's thrust to weight ratio
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Cabo Wabo Tequila aerobatics plane
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Glider performance
Lear Jet
Lear Jet
Lear Jet
Lear Jet
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Lear Jet
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Wing walker
Wing walker
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