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Stan Schutze | profile | all galleries >> Modeling Photography >> Jenny tree view | thumbnails | slideshow



Jenny is my executive assistant. She's as sharp as a tack and recently earned her MBA with a specialty in e-commerce. She does wonders to keep my business on track and run my office in an orderly fashion.

She watches with sparkling interest as I practice my hobby of photography in my free time. She has never tried modeling before. Today, for unknown reasons, I lost my enthusiasm for tax returns and paying bills, so we took a coffee break and she ended up in front of my camera. I think she's lovely. She has brains and beauty all wrapped together with a high quality personality.

Jenny wants to build her career in the business department of a fast moving company in a growth industry. If anyone has contacts with management in biotech or other interesting high tech fields, Jenny would like to offer her resume for a full time position. Sorry guys, but modeling is not on her list.

You can contact Jenny at my office

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