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Christopher Schardt | profile | all galleries >> Projects >> Ping >> Engine tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Burning Man 2003 | Burning Man 2002 | 4th of July | Design | Full Views | Nose | Tail | Deck | Periscope | Squirt | Interior | Engine | Van | Studio


Faced with spending $1000-2000 to fix an old, inefficient, weak engine, I opted instead to pay more to have a brand new 2.0L Jetta engine installed.

When new, the old engine developed 85HP and got 16-19MPG.
The new engine develops 118HP and gets 22-24 MPG!
And it's kinda pretty too.

For more info on the engine conversion, see

Since I had the transmission rebuilt, I also chose to put a "taller" 4th gear. This and larger tires provide an 8% higher gear ratio for smoother highway cruising.
Old Engine.jpg
Old Engine.jpg
New Engine.jpg
New Engine.jpg
New Engine Side.jpg
New Engine Side.jpg
New Engine Top.jpg
New Engine Top.jpg
New Engine Mounting Plate.jpg
New Engine Mounting Plate.jpg
At Volks Cafe.jpg
At Volks Cafe.jpg