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Christopher Schardt | profile | all galleries >> Projects >> 4pyre˛ >> LA Decompression 2010 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

LA Decompression 2010

David and I drove the piece down to LA Decompression. It took place in a large park, just south of Dodger Stadium. The spaciousness was nice. The event was friendly and captured a little playa spirit. Great job Athena, Deb, and everyone else who ran it so well!

The Midway.JPG
The Midway.JPG
Big Stage.JPG
Big Stage.JPG
The Sole Poofer.JPG
The Sole Poofer.JPG
Spank of America.JPG
Spank of America.JPG
Flock o Gators.JPG
Flock o Gators.JPG
Recycling Truck.JPG
Recycling Truck.JPG
Sweet Couple.JPG
Sweet Couple.JPG
The Setup.JPG
The Setup.JPG
Control Panel and Fuel.JPG
Control Panel and Fuel.JPG
4pyre2 Downtown.JPG
4pyre2 Downtown.JPG
Helicopter Downtown.JPG
Helicopter Downtown.JPG
Blasting Downtown.JPG
Blasting Downtown.JPG
Through the Fork.JPG
Through the Fork.JPG
Kid Queue 1.JPG
Kid Queue 1.JPG
Kid Queue 2.JPG
Kid Queue 2.JPG
Kid Queue 3.JPG
Kid Queue 3.JPG
Kid Queue 4.JPG
Kid Queue 4.JPG
David Helping the Kids.JPG
David Helping the Kids.JPG
Strobe Wheel 1.JPG
Strobe Wheel 1.JPG
Strobe Wheel 2.JPG
Strobe Wheel 2.JPG
Strobe Wheel 3.JPG
Strobe Wheel 3.JPG
Night Lights.JPG
Night Lights.JPG