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Henry Coe Back Country Weekend April 04

We had a nice trip this year. Did a couple of good rides; Pacheco Falls was pretty killer as usual with a nice steep decent and then a nice long push out. Cathy likes to park the bike at the top then walk down. I ride down to the wonder and bewilderment of the hikers during that weekend. Haha, it is pretty funny coming up and they are like "did you ride down there"?

We also did Tie Down peak and got nice and lost and ended up in some really steep canyon. Had to turn around and backtrack all the way back the way we came without competing the loop; got low on water and it was really brutal coming out; hot. Oh well. Tom got lost too on his version of the ride.
Serious trail down to the falls.
Serious trail down to the falls.
Cathy finishing climb on trail
Cathy finishing climb on trail
Down to the falls!
Down to the falls!
My trusty Ibis by the sign
My trusty Ibis by the sign
Mustang Peak.  Tom pointing to hinterlands
Mustang Peak. Tom pointing to hinterlands
Cathy on Mustang
Cathy on Mustang
Looking towards highest point in park
Looking towards highest point in park
Group shot at top.
Group shot at top.
more group shot
more group shot
Cathy and Scott at top.
Cathy and Scott at top.