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Sayer | all galleries >> Parks & Refuges >> Scotts Run Nature Preserve > Giddy Up!
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10-JUL-2005 Sayer

Giddy Up!

Scotts Run Nature Preserve, Virginia

Cicindella Sexguttata

Canon EOS 350D ,Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro
1/200s f/16.0 at 105.0mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
annonymous 25-Jan-2008 16:50
that is awsome love making
Guest 25-Jan-2008 16:49
sex,its awsome
cr 11-Jan-2008 16:56
they r parting like a rockstar
Mike 17-Aug-2006 23:46
To Guest/bbellngr: I presume the gender determination is based on the assumption that there are no homosexual insects? :-) Or is there some way to visually determine from this photo that one is a male and the other is a female?
Guest 25-Jul-2006 09:43
Now isnt that interesting lol - few comments in the rest of this gallery (so far), but show a couple of insects humping and look what happens LOL
leo 26-Jun-2006 08:40
are these the only color they are or what what are they and what do they do do they bite or anything when do they come out and where are they from.
Guest 13-Apr-2006 18:54
Great shot! These guys are fast and hard to sneak up on so I know how difficult a fantastic shot like this is to get.
Guy Bruyea14-Nov-2005 01:28
Wow. These guys can be fairly skiddish. Well executed!
Guest 30-Sep-2005 01:22
A tiger beetle, Cicindella sexguttata. Male and female.
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