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Chris Picard | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birds of Washington State > Golden-crowned Kinglet
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Golden-crowned Kinglet

Nikon D500
1/1250s f/6.3 at 600.0mm iso1250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Nigel Allum 29-Apr-2020 23:20
Found one today, sadly it was dead it had flown in to a window
Tom LeRoy20-Jan-2019 09:23
A dream shot, marvelous detail and sharpness. Hats off to you, Chris. V
Suzanne Lanthier18-Jan-2019 17:01
What a way to show the crown. Love it Chris !
danad18-Jan-2019 10:29
Superb catch ! What a beautiful crown ! V.
Nirvan Hope18-Jan-2019 04:47
Perfect focus on that golden crown and beak.
Hank Vander Velde18-Jan-2019 02:11
Good shot Chris with the crown nicely exposed.
Tom Munson17-Jan-2019 19:48
WOW, great timing on this, Chris! Beautiful capture.
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