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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favorites > Into the Night
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20-NOV-2007 Sandi Whitteker

Into the Night

Death Valley, Californis

The beautiful sunset is over, and now we can have some fun shooting scraggy trees in the dark. This is my first time shooting in the dark,
amd I'm amazed at how a long exposure reveals details in the trees and dunes so well. Nature is in a good mood and gives us a bit of
moonlight (although the trees are still a little spooky at night), some lovely whispy clouds and a sky full of stars to play with.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Carol Rollins05-Feb-2008 14:17
Excellent exposure on this superb composition, Sandi. So much wonderful nature to see here! V
judithann05-Feb-2008 14:15
The stars are amazing, Sandi!
Your wait was well worth it in my opinion. :o)
Neal Nye05-Feb-2008 12:52
Such and arresting image. Just enough removed from everyday experience to be mesmerizing. Beautiful job.
Jess. ( Lady.D.)05-Feb-2008 02:44
Beautiful capture...
Hank Vander Velde05-Feb-2008 02:44
Yes, a bit spooky, but nice. Well taken shot. V.
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)05-Feb-2008 02:00
Very surreal and spooky too. Just the right touch of lighting.
Guest 05-Feb-2008 01:27
Excellent Shot V
Marcia Colelli04-Feb-2008 23:21
lovely night shot, well done
Guest 04-Feb-2008 23:00
Turned out just perfect, this is one place you can still see the stars, WTO girl!
Guest 04-Feb-2008 22:34
great try for a first time!..
beautiful mood and the stars are magical
Randy Adams04-Feb-2008 21:39
Beautiful Sandi! Well done!
Esa Ervasti04-Feb-2008 20:16
Wonderful night shot with amazing good details as you mentioned, moon light is obvious!
Those stars are nice extra!
Guest 04-Feb-2008 20:00
Wonderful night capture, Sandi. V
Guest 04-Feb-2008 19:43
love it, great mood and tone.
Terri Steele04-Feb-2008 18:39
Lovely night sky ;)
Gerard Koehl04-Feb-2008 17:53
Excellent... V
fdt04-Feb-2008 16:44
Great shot! f
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