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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Oldies but Goodies > Bus of Many Colors
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22-OCT-2007 Sandi Whitteker

Bus of Many Colors


other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 10-Aug-2008 06:05
Some people are like this, oldies and still attractive in many ways!
Robert Houde21-May-2008 02:12
For me, this remind me when I was a Hippie, Am I that old !
Jim Coffman12-Apr-2008 23:57
I love these oldies!
Guest 06-Mar-2008 18:22
I love this one. Greg
yannick Beunard05-Dec-2007 10:24
Superb image !
Arlon04-Dec-2007 12:54
Cool picture of the Baptist church bus. It tells more than a story. Almost like the church itself.
Guest 04-Dec-2007 12:22
what a great find, wonderful shot beautiful colours! v
Yiannis Pavlis03-Dec-2007 05:20
A creative idea and composition .
Guest 30-Nov-2007 23:24
wonderful colors-v-
Lion28-Nov-2007 22:48
Splendid composition ,look lke this old HI long life of different style. " VOTED "
Guest 28-Nov-2007 09:53
What a on!
Shimon Levkovich28-Nov-2007 08:17
Excellent. I love images with rust.
Dave Wixx28-Nov-2007 04:20
Funky old bus. I bet it could tell some stories!
monil28-Nov-2007 04:19
Great shot.
The colors are sublime
Randy Adams28-Nov-2007 03:06
Great composition Sandi...great fall color shot!
Sue Weisensel28-Nov-2007 02:56
An entertaining shot! Beauty can be found in the most unexpected places!
Guest 28-Nov-2007 01:42
Very Nice Find V
Guest 28-Nov-2007 01:29
Love the colors of this old bus, Sandi! Excellent.
Marcia Colelli28-Nov-2007 01:13
Nice shot Sandi, looks almost neon
Sandi Whitteker27-Nov-2007 23:07
Thanks Jola, for the link to Dolly Parton's song, Coat of Many Colors! I was thinking of the actual coat of many colors of Joseph when naming the bus, mostly because it's last service seems to have been as the Auburn Baptist church bus.
Jola Dziubinska27-Nov-2007 22:10
Jola Dziubinska27-Nov-2007 21:46
Super find and I like the title (you like Dolly?)
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