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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Autumn in New England > Pretty Little Maine Marsh
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07-OCT-2007 Sandi Whitteker

Pretty Little Maine Marsh


An itty bitty little town in Maine, enjoyed this pretty marshy area nearby. I enjoyed it too!

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Guest 23-Nov-2007 14:11
Yes, quite pretty. Nice, peaceful scene. Love the muted colors.
Guest 22-Nov-2007 04:12
Nice work!
Marcia Colelli22-Nov-2007 03:56
very nice capture Sandi
Guest 21-Nov-2007 22:06
Really nice color
Guest 21-Nov-2007 21:36
Well captured,Sandi,love those colours and the subdued lighting!
Aud Elise Sjøsæther21-Nov-2007 20:22
Beautiful warm colours! V
Guest 21-Nov-2007 15:26
Beautiful and peaceful scene, Sandi. Very nice composition.
Jonathan Popp21-Nov-2007 13:27
Wonderful scene. I see a few of these from the Maine pike and keep meaning to take a exit and backtrack but haven't as of yet.
monil21-Nov-2007 13:12
beautifull colors.
marie-jose wolff21-Nov-2007 12:14
peaceful...wonderful warm colors!
Yves Pinsonneault. Photographe21-Nov-2007 12:04
Very nice ...
Giancarlo Guzzardi21-Nov-2007 09:44
beautiful... scene, ambient, atmosphere, glares..
Guest 21-Nov-2007 09:21
welcome back, beautiful, peaceful,
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