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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Autumn in New England > Remnants of an Old Bridge? You Tell Me You Builder Guys.
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07-OCT-2007 Sandi Whitteker

Remnants of an Old Bridge? You Tell Me You Builder Guys.

Wiscasset, Maine

Not quite sure what this was, but it's located right next to a bridge. Old bridge? Railroad?

other sizes: small medium original auto
Bill Robinson26-Dec-2007 04:51
Definitely the remains of something !
Beautifully composed.
Guest 15-Nov-2007 09:40
a beautiful capture, the colours are really in style(fall).
Gerard Koehl14-Nov-2007 06:31
Superbe.... V
Ali Majdfar14-Nov-2007 04:24
Fabulous! GMV
Guest 14-Nov-2007 02:26
Nice Capture V
Jola Dziubinska13-Nov-2007 22:34
Excellent capture, nice scene.
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