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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photo A Day > Chasing the "Pine Fire" in San Diego
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12-SEP-2007 Sandi Whitteker

Chasing the "Pine Fire" in San Diego

San Diego, California

What HAS gotten into me! Just had to get a few pics of this fire. This fire has burned up more than 2000 acres and is still burning as of Sept. 14, 2007. Having never been this close to a big fire (have closer pics in the "Pine Fire" gallery), I was fascinated with the goings on in the air to fight the fire. Smaller planes flew the fire, no doubt scoping out hot spots and developing fire fighting strategies. They then flew in ahead of tankers, which followed their path and dropped the fire retardent. Although sad we have another fire, it was interesting to observe.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Robert Ballard09-Oct-2007 23:40
Mindy McNaugher15-Sep-2007 03:13
Dramatic capture!!
Jacqui Proulx15-Sep-2007 00:29
Great shot - very dramatic!
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