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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Spectacular ANTELOPE CANYON > Shot 2 - Beam Series... the Beam Grows Stronger
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30-MAY-2007 Sandi Whitteker

Shot 2 - Beam Series... the Beam Grows Stronger

Antelope Canyon, Arizona

As we watch, the beam grows stronger, wider and the cave area grows brighter with it's increased light. All of this having to do with the sun moving across the sky.

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Guest 20-Feb-2009 18:23
well done absolute great and amazing lighting and exposure well done .v
Steve Pepple26-Dec-2007 10:47
What a cool shot. Nice job of capturing it.
Eldar Kadymov24-Dec-2007 16:38
All time classic !
Sam_C14-Dec-2007 07:39
Stunning shot!! Big Vote!
PauloCGama11-Dec-2007 23:46
Michelle08-Dec-2007 04:55
Très très belle photo Sandi. Bravo :-)
Chad Ramsey24-Nov-2007 01:18
What a fantastic shot! Really cool! V
Peter Stahl23-Nov-2007 19:20
Fantastic capture of the sun rays. Excellent work! GMV.
poetry66617-Nov-2007 01:11
Dennis Camp06-Nov-2007 11:02
I can see why people like going to this place, nice capture.
Simon Chandler06-Nov-2007 01:35
Beautiful image. Excellent composition and exposure. v
Yves Marquis06-Nov-2007 01:30
and let me tell you that one is amazing !!!
Julie Bird06-Nov-2007 00:12
Sandi, this is a spectacular image. How wonderful for you to have the opportunity to go to such a great place. Thanks for taking us with you. V. Julie
Guest 06-Oct-2007 01:10
Excellent Shot V
Guest 24-Sep-2007 05:27
Fantastic. Excellent shot. v
Juan Miguel18-Sep-2007 05:48
Amazing capture.I love the colour and light. V
Andrew Vincent09-Sep-2007 10:58
The best shot I have seen today!!! FANTASTIC!!! HUGE VOTE!
peterjay4524-Aug-2007 21:50
I love how the upper chamber is gradually filling with glorious light, bringing out more of
the colour in the walls. V.
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