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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Carson City Living > Coyote on the Hunt for a Meal
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03-MAR-2014 Sandi Whitteker

Coyote on the Hunt for a Meal

Hope Valley, Gardenerville, NV

Beautiful healthy looking coyote contrasts against the snow.
Loved how well he matched the bushes behind him.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Allan Jay20-Jan-2015 05:28
Powerful image. Love the placement of the lone coyote.
Peter Sussex09-Mar-2014 21:16
Same as David, incredible scaling and cute look back. V
Martin Lamoon09-Mar-2014 08:58
A brilliant photograph.
Sam Rua08-Mar-2014 22:16
Nice look-back and a great comp, Sandi.
Stephanie08-Mar-2014 10:08
Gorgeous capture Sandi! Love the compo here! :)
Gayle P. Clement08-Mar-2014 03:25
Beautiful. Those bushes are huge, making the coyote look so small.
globalgadabout08-Mar-2014 03:19
at first glance I thought a clump of grass, but with the coyote providing scale see now a large clump of bushes...ultimately a mesmerizing image..
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