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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Carson City Living > It's Snowing!
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08-DEC-2013 Sandi Whitteker

It's Snowing!

Lake Tahoe, Nevada

Such a change for me from living in San Diego. Temps have been below freezing for
a week now, and a couple of snow storms have turned the area into a Winter Wonderland.
Here is Spooner Lake State Park.

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Martin Lamoon14-Dec-2013 20:57
It looks a stunning place, superb capture.
Knox O10-Dec-2013 15:15
what a beautiful scene
Peter Sussex09-Dec-2013 20:57
Like soft, white paws, beautiful capture, Sandi. V
Stephanie09-Dec-2013 13:40
Gorgeous capture of this snowfall! It looks like a winter wonderland! :)
Anitta09-Dec-2013 12:45
Love this winter scene! Well captured! V
Webman0609-Dec-2013 06:51
Great light ! Winter's here... V
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