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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> By the Sea > Under the Pier
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Sept. 28, 2011 Sandi Whitteker

Under the Pier

San Diego, CA

How have I missed out on shooting at this local pier for so long? So much
potential... with weather worn subtle colors and textures, lines of the structure,
streaming light, water motion... I'll be spending more time under THIS pier.

other sizes: small medium original auto
carol j. phipps27-Oct-2011 01:02
Wow! a work of art!
H2M26-Oct-2011 13:21
Fabulous composition and perspective. V!
geonni banner24-Oct-2011 17:08
Great shot! Love your treatment. V
Nick Powell21-Oct-2011 23:16
Great find! BV
gerard belbeoch21-Oct-2011 19:32
Great light, colours, and details
John King13-Oct-2011 08:05
Super image with that perspective, lines and light. V
Cindi Smith13-Oct-2011 01:48
Looks like low tide. Great textures and light and lines in this one. Very, very cool! BV!
Guest 11-Oct-2011 18:31
Truly beautiful, love those color tones and detail!! Well done Sandi!! V
LynnH11-Oct-2011 16:05
A beautiful place and great shot! The colors are amazing! V
borisalex11-Oct-2011 14:12
Terrific place indeed, so much for to photograph!
Guest 11-Oct-2011 13:47
Beautiful water reflections, light and unusual pov...very nice indeed.
Janet Donnelly11-Oct-2011 13:31
Amazing! Pulls me right in. Excellent treatment of light and color!
Janice Dunn11-Oct-2011 09:17
What a mess!! The details show up so well here Sandi...
Guest 07-Oct-2011 21:01
they look like an army of giant legs slowly marching in an endless land. wish i could be there too!
Peter Stahl06-Oct-2011 01:43
Dennis Camp06-Oct-2011 00:58
You are lucky to have one so close, nice picture.
Graeme05-Oct-2011 22:47
Its like another world down here, Sandi. Great lighting and details.BV
Guest 05-Oct-2011 22:02
All kinds of goodies..excellent..V
vifut05-Oct-2011 20:51
Great light, colours, and details (HDR I guess ?)
Ken Chambers ARPS05-Oct-2011 18:57
Great picture, but beware of being trapped there be incoming tides
Phillip Normanton05-Oct-2011 17:26
Yes, I like how it repeats to a lumpy infinity!
PauloCGama05-Oct-2011 17:09
Great perspective and fab details!!
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