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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> By the Sea > Crystal Pier
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Sept 28, 2011 Sandi Whitteker

Crystal Pier

Crystal Pier, Pacific Beach, CA

This is a beautiful pier, constructed entirely of wood, and large enough to accommodate
10 motel cottages. Built in 1927, it originally sported a midway and a dance room with a
cork-lined dance floor. But this was not to be, as marine borers nibbled at the pilings, the pier
was closed for repairs, and reopened as we see it today, with cottages and a promenade deck.

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Alida Thorpe25-May-2013 23:11
Beautiful light!
Birte Person12-Dec-2011 00:27
Love the composition and colors in this, beautiful shot.V
GeneWard02-Dec-2011 03:07
great capture of the color here. VVV
Karen Moen28-Oct-2011 02:47
Beautiful color and light. I like how the pink glow is lighting the darker shadow areas. Perfect exposure. Voted.
Guest 09-Oct-2011 13:00
Love the composition and the colors. This is awesome!
Apostolos Tikopoulos09-Oct-2011 09:26
This is an outstanding image, Sandi. V.
borisalex06-Oct-2011 14:47
Great perspective, stunning colors and last light! V.
Kerry Tingley06-Oct-2011 13:31
I love the colors of the sunset with the great lines of the pier in front.
Cindi Smith06-Oct-2011 13:29
This is wonderful, Sandi! I love the composition, the lines, the colors! Fab! V
LynnH06-Oct-2011 02:16
I believe this one has all 7 elements. Excellent composition and colors! V
carol j. phipps05-Oct-2011 23:54
Yes, and beautiful composition.
Jola Dziubinska05-Oct-2011 23:36
Stunning scene and colors.
Janice Dunn05-Oct-2011 18:43
Welcome to the challenge Sandi - and what a beauty you have started with.
Stunning colours and reflections... Well done
Janet Donnelly05-Oct-2011 18:17
Contrasting, and luminous colors make for an extraordinary image --- this is truly gorgeous!
Guest 05-Oct-2011 18:17
Light and colors are beautiful !!!
Yiannis Pavlis05-Oct-2011 17:09
The colours are sublime and the composition magical.
Guest 05-Oct-2011 17:06
Fantastic capture, gorgeous colors and composition Sandi!!! V
joseantonio05-Oct-2011 17:04
Excellent shot with that light and colors
Photo.Keely03-Oct-2011 18:58
Beautiful image! V.
Terri Steele03-Oct-2011 15:18
Beautiful work Sandi!
Peter Stahl02-Oct-2011 06:31
BEAUTIFUL! Love he comp and colors. :-)
Astrid Taen01-Oct-2011 19:52
Lovely sunset colors. V
Guest 01-Oct-2011 18:47
A beautiful sight..too bad about the past..nice..V
Michel CORBOZ01-Oct-2011 09:00
Bravo pour les couleurs grisantes de ce coucher de soleil ! V
Sam Rua01-Oct-2011 01:03
Beautiful capture, Sandi. V.
Peter Sussex30-Sep-2011 22:40
Ken Chambers ARPS30-Sep-2011 18:15
The 1920s were the days of local resorts and exciting piers.
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad30-Sep-2011 17:47
An ambitious wharf for 1927. It must have been a spectacle in its day. Voted
Gerard Koehl30-Sep-2011 17:43
Superbe. V
Jim Stone30-Sep-2011 16:30
Sandi - nice work, beautiful colors -v-
Walter Otto Koenig30-Sep-2011 16:04
Very nice with the glow on the pier and these reflections.
Patricia Kay30-Sep-2011 15:52
Absolutely stunning Sandi...Love the compo and colors...BV
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